Baldpate Compliant Tower

Baldpate Compliant Tower (Mexico) - 579 meter offshore oil platform

Where is located Baldpate Compliant Tower?

Address of Baldpate Compliant Tower is Garden Banks 260, Mexico
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When was built Baldpate Compliant Tower?

Built date of Baldpate Compliant Tower is June 1998 - date of graduation

Baldpate Compliant Tower

Facts, informations and history of Baldpate Compliant Tower

Baldpate Compliant Tower is the first free-standing tower that is not supported by external ropes, at the same time it is one of the highest structures in the world, it even exceeds CN Tower from Toronto.


This is the deepest structure attached to the bottom of the sea.

The main upper part of the tower is located 23 feet above the water.

Currently, oil production to the factory takes place from 7 boreholes, the project also includes 11 such boreholes.

The Texaco company built this mining platform in the city of Morgan City, then transported it and installed it on the Gulf of Mexico Gulf.

Transport was not easy. The towers were divided into two parts: North and South, the larger transport - the northern part took place smoothly, the helicopter flew ahead and filmed the transport on a sunny December day. It was thought that with a smaller part it would be even easier, but 10 hours after the second part was set next to the DB50 crane, transport was started. Moments later, during loading onto the transport bar, one of the crane's ropes broke, part of the platform fell, hitting the crane, barge and delving into the waters of Gulf Gulf. Fortunately, nothing happened to anyone.

When installing the structure, a temporary rig was put on the platform, then the total construction height was 2,100 feet. Accurate measurements were made for the entry in the Guinness Book of Records.

Construction engineers were awarded for the design of the mining tower including foundation piles, mining and production conductors.

Architect of Baldpate Compliant Tower

Architect of Baldpate Compliant Tower is Hudson Engineering

How many meters have Baldpate Compliant Tower?

Height of Baldpate Compliant Tower is 579.7 meters (502 m under water)

how many meters have Baldpate Compliant TowerScale

Construction/building type

Building Baldpate Compliant Tower is of type The mining platform

Architectural style

Architectural style of Baldpate Compliant Tower is Modern

Modern architectural style is a style characterised primarily by simple and regular forms, a lack of ornamentation and the use of modern building materials. It is significantly different from other architectural styles, such as Baroque, Gothic or Renaissance, where more complex forms and rich ornamentation predominated. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Baldpate Compliant Tower

What area have Baldpate Compliant Tower?

Baldpate Compliant Tower have area of 140 square feet

What material is the building made of?

Baldpate Compliant Tower is made of the following materials: Steel, concrete

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Petronius Compliant Tower

Comments to Baldpate Compliant Tower (6) Average rating: 4,0 Add comment    /    Rate building

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Based on 6 comments
17 years ago
jest do bani
18 years ago
nie ma co maja ludziska głowy
19 years ago
budowla super szkona tylko ze link nie działa zeby se ją obejrzeć dokładniej
19 years ago
mam nadzieję ze kiedys ja bede projektowc takie cuda moze nie koniecznie platformy
19 years ago
uroda nie grzeszy, ale funkcjonalnosci jej nie mozna odmowic;)
20 years ago
Dosyć interesująca budowla. ...Czego to ludzie nie wymyślą.

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